Where to eat

The gastronomy of El Bages is a true discovery that you must taste!

In El Bages, you will find restaurants for all tastes, featuring signature dishes such as cod in the Manresa style or dishes made with unique products such as white eggplant, local varieties of olive oil or Montserrat cheese. Everything is always paired with the wines from the DO Pla de Bages.

We recommend the Gastronomic Restaurants because they are committed to local and Km0 products. You will recognize them by their certifications such as the Biosphere certificate, the 4 Temporades Gastronòmiques del Bages, the Pla de Bages Wine Route, or as members of the Slow Food Community of Central Catalonia, among others.

Restaurants with the Biosphere certificate are a guarantee that they support seasonal, local products, as they have close collaboration with producers and winemakers in El Bages and promote a model of responsible tourism committed to environmental, social, and economic sustainability in all their internal management.

Restaurants participating in the 4 Temporades Gastronòmiques del Bages offer menus and dishes with Bages products, local ingredients and seasonal offerings with a special emphasis on the unique products of the region.

The restaurants that are members of the Pla de Bages Wine Route offer a wine list that features a wide representation of the wineries with Pla de Bages designation of origin and can advise you on the best wine pairings for your meals.

Restaurants with the Tourist Information Point distinction can advise you on activities and tourist attractions in the Bages.”

Si necessites més ajustos o canvis, no dubtis a dir-ho!

Bages quality labels

Punt d'informació turísticaCarta Eureopa de Turisme Sostenible (CETS)Restaurants gastronòmicsEl Rebost del BagesDO Pla de BagesGeoparc de la Catalunya CentralBiosphere

Bages paths

Parc de la Sèquia3 montsCamí de Sant JaumeCamí OlibaCamí Ignasià

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