
Can you imagin a better place to host your meeting than a hidden gem with an authentic rural heritage, delicious gastronomy, luxury venues and unique landscapeA stone throw from Barcelona, El Bages is the perfect option to stand out from the rest and ensure an unbelievable experience for your representatives.

Let’s talk about your event in Bages!

Download Bages Meeting Planner Guide

This is an interactive brochure with links to the websites of the MICE suppliers you can find in El Bages, as well as their social profiles and additional information to contact them. This document will help you to find the perfect venue in order to host your corporate meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions in Central Catalonia.

Download our Meeting Planner Guide


Distintius de qualitat al Bages

Geoparc de la Catalunya CentralUNESCOBiospherePunt d'informació turísticaCarta Eureopa de Turisme Sostenible (CETS)El Rebost del BagesRestaurants gastronòmicsDO Pla de Bages

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