Flat route that passses next to the channel of la Séquia when it goes through the Pla del Bages region. It starts in Santpedor, follows through cereal fields and oarchards watered by the channel, and arrives to a set of churches (Santa Anna and Santa Maria de Claret). You can take the way back passing next to the channel, that goes through the house of the Sequiaire (typical worker that maintained the channel) and the acqueduct of Riu d’Or (Gold River). Not far from the end, tou can make a tour through the singular Wetlands of la Bòbila, house of a huge number of bird species.

During the route you can discover elements of natural, cultural and patrimonial interest. You can find more information in this link: La Séquia

Tourist attractions

Medieval town Santpedor, Aiguamolls de la Bòbila (wetlands)

Parking / how to get there

You can park the car in the parking of the football field of Santpedor.

We recommend

Bages quality labels

Punt d'informació turísticaCarta Eureopa de Turisme Sostenible (CETS)Restaurants de les 4 temporades gastronòmiques del BagesEl Rebost del BagesDO Pla de BagesGeoparc de la Catalunya CentralBiosphere

Bages paths

Punt d'informació turísticaCarta Eureopa de Turisme Sostenible (CETS)Restaurants de les 4 temporades gastronòmiques del BagesEl Rebost del BagesDO Pla de BagesGeoparc de la Catalunya CentralBiosphere