To the west, advancing through the valley of the Agell river at the confluence with the Falcons basin and protecting the Bages pass towards the Maçana and Estrada valleys, rises the Castellar, which dominates a defensive network with the following towers : the guardiola de Castellar that acts as a lookout between the Castellar and the Puigfarner tower, the Santa Maria tower and the Seguer tower. On the left bank of the Agell river and dominating the northern side of the valley, the castle of Aguilar is built.

Visitable at specific or arranged times.

This castle is linked to the castells de frontera de Guifré.

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Geoparc de la Catalunya CentralUNESCOBiospherePunt d'informació turísticaCarta Eureopa de Turisme Sostenible (CETS)El Rebost del BagesRestaurants gastronòmicsDO Pla de Bages

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