
Balmes, farmhouses and mills of Mura

Ajuntament de Mura

We start from the Mura Interpretation Center, go down Carrer de la Coma towards the Riera de les Nespres, cross it and find the starting point of the route, with the brown labels. We follow the path parallel to the watercourse, which gradually climbs and separates from the stream. We continue along this main path until we see, on the right, a cobbled path: it is the old path from Mura to Montserrat.

In just over a quarter of an hour we reach a small hill where an iron cross stands out: La Creu de la Vila.

We skirt it and resume the path, which follows the headwaters of several ravines and torrents until we reach the Puig de la Balma. Arriving at the bottom of the valley, where we find a pond surrounded by elms and poplars, the path turns tail. A few meters away, a landmark tells us that we have to climb a field, next to a shed, to win again a path that leaves us next to the Puig de la Balma.

We go down the path to the shed and go down the same field, which will take us to the path of origin. We follow it for a while until, on the right, there is a path that reaches the house of La Vila and surrounds it from behind.

Following the landmarks, the path continues, zigzagging down and crossing some ridges, until it reaches the bed of the Codolosos torrent. We follow the channel in favor of the current. Shortly before it joins the Nespres stream, we see Cal Miqueló. We pass it and continue up the path that borders and immediately crosses the Nespres stream. On the other side of the stream, we find the old building of the Molí del Mig, already restored and suitable for a visit.

After the Molí, we climb a paved track and before reaching the road we will find some stairs on the right that will take us directly to the town center, where we will go back up the coma street to the starting point.

Tourist attractions

Mura (poble amb encant), la Creu de la Vila, Puig de la Balma, Molí del Mig, Parc Natural de Sant Llorenç del Munt i l'Obac, oleoturisme

Parking / how to get there

Aparcaments senyalitzats a Mura

More information

Ruta senyalitzada amb etiquetes de color marró

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