Located in the lap of the mountain of Montserrat, Marganell still preserves several vestiges of its religious heritage, such as the church of Sant Esteve and the Romanesque chapel of Santa Cecília de Montserrat.

Marganell also bears witness to the wine-growing tradition of Bages, a fact that can be seen in the small vineyard huts scattered around the area, which can be visited along the different paths that run through the surroundings. Also at a gastronomic level, Marganell is an obligatory stop for those with a sweet tooth with its Fiesta del Panellet,l, held every second Sunday in May.

Bages quality labels

Parc de la Sèquia3 montsCamí de Sant JaumeCamí OlibaCamí Ignasià

Bages paths

Parc de la Sèquia3 montsCamí de Sant JaumeCamí OlibaCamí Ignasià